NEW undergraduate program at ACMT – Information Technology (IT)
Beginning in September 2009, the American College of Management and Technology in Dubrovnik will offer a new undergraduate degree program in Information Technology to incoming first-year students. This program prepares students for careers as systems engineers or technical support professionals. Core courses will be taught by visiting professors from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. The curriculum includes courses on database management, system security, programming and application development, networking and system administration
The IT program focuses on how humans use computers for daily business, and how to make those interactions as easy and useful as possible. Graduates of the 4-year program will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology from RIT and a strucni prvostupnik Informacijskih tehnologija diploma from the Croatian Ministry of Education.
“The great thing about the IT degree is that its technical background prepares the student for a variety of entry-level positions in the IT field”, explains ACMT president and dean Don Hudspeth. “Our focus is on how people work, live and interact with technology—what works for them, what doesn’t. That what distinguishes us from other programs.”
Learn more at our upcoming presentation by Mr. Don Hudspeth:
Date: Sunday, February 15
Place: Immaculate Heart of Mary church
3105 East 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC
Time: Immediately following the 10:00 and 11:15 Masses
For more information, visit