Nakon sto sam 2006. godine prisustvovala na prvim Hrvatskim svjetskim igrama, pruzena mi je velika cast preuzeti ulogu veleposlanika igara te otvoriti druge po redu Hrvatske svjetske igre u organizaciji Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa.
Hrvatskoj zajednici u inozemstvu ovakvi sportski dogadjaji predstavljaju jedinstvenu priliku jacati veze s domovinom, a o uspjehu i izvrsnoj ideji Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa dovoljno govori cinjenica da smo mnogi od nas po drugi puta ovdje.
Danas, iseljenici Republike Hrvatske i njihovi potomci imaju znacajnu ulogu u unaprjedjenju odnosa RH s drzavama u kojima su stvorili novi dom. Iseljenici povezuju i jacaju politicke, gospodarske i kulturne veze drugih zemalja s Republikom Hrvatskom, imaju znacajan utjecaj na odluke politicara i zasigurno povezuju Republiku Hrvatsku sa svijetom na jedan poseban i osebujan nacin. To se svakako moze primijetiti i u Kanadi gdje je utjecaj hrvatske zajednice povezao dvije zemlje i njihove vodje na takav nacin da se danas mozemo pohvaliti odlicnim bilateralnim odnosima.
Kao Kanadjanka hrvatskih korijena i kao clan kanadske Vlade, ponosna sam sto je Vlada premijera Stephena Harpera u mnogocemu prepoznala vaznost i snagu hrvatske zajednice. Izmedju ostaloga, tome svjedoci i odluka o ukidanju kanadskih viza za hrvatske drzavljane, a na poziv predsjednice Vlade gospodje Jadranke Kosor i prvi sluzbeni posjet premijera Harpera Republici Hrvatskoj u svibnju ove godine. Isto tako, meni je pripala cast predstavljati Kanadu na inauguraciji predsjednika
RH Ive Josipovica.
Druge po redu Hrvatske svjetske igre ponovno ce kroz razna sportska natjecanja povezati Hrvate i njihove potomke diljem svijeta te u to ime svim sudionicima zelim puno srece na sportskim borilistima!
Following my attendance at the first Croatian World Games in 2006, I was given the privilege of assuming the role of Ambassador for the Games and am truly honoured to be opening the second Croatian World Games, organized by the Croatian World Congress.
Sporting events such as these can provide Croatian communities abroad with a unique opportunity to strengthen bonds with their homeland. The fact that many of us are here for the second time is proof that this initiative by the Croatian World Congress is an excellent and successful one.
Today, Croatian emigrants and their descendants play a significant role in improving the relationship between Croatia and the countries in which they have made their new home. Emigrants play an essential role in connecting, as well as strengthening political, economic and cultural ties between the Republic of Croatia and other countries. They can have significant influence on the decisions of politicians in their new homelands and they can connect Croatia with the world in a very special
and distinctive way. Undoubtedly, this can be seen in Canada where the influence of the Croatian community has helped bring together the two countries and their leaders in such a way that allows us to boast about our excellent bilateral relations.
As a Canadian of Croatian descent and as a Minister in the Government of Canada, I am proud that the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has recognized the importance and strength of the Croatian community in our country. To that effect, I would like to highlight the decision of the Canadian government to eliminate visitor visas for Croatian citizens, as well as the first official visit of Prime Minister Harper to Croatia in May of this year, at the invitation of Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor. It was also an honour for me to represent the Government of Canada at the inauguration of Croatian President Ivo Josipovic.
For the second time in a row, the Croatian World Games will bring together Croatians and their descendants from around world through various sporting events. I would like to wish all participants the best of luck in this athletic competition.